The Daily – 15

Life can feel so defeating sometimes. When we feel the pressures and trials of life choking the joy out of us, we need to remember the Truth of God’s Word and what it says about us, our lives, our purpose, and how GOD feels about us! Below you will find 15 VERY encouraging verses that…

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The Daily – She Did

Yesterday, I shared with you my struggle with trusting God with my money. I also told you I would share a story that had such a profound affect on me, I am still moved to tears as I think about it… One of our pastors shared a video from a missionary in Africa with us…

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The Cane in the Corner

Lately, I have been helping a teacher in our local school with her 5th grade students.  If it weren’t for having to roll myself out of bed and get ready before the rest of the “wee” Hott kids, being a substitute teacher would be a piece of cake!  The students are amazing and I find…

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