Hott Mama in a Hott Cauldron!

What? Pagans?  Witches?  And, God?  Oh My! Oh.  Yes.  Looks like “Excuse me, can I tell you something?” has found myself in a cauldron of Hott Water, unbeknownst to me, that’s for SURE!  (I think I prefer my Hott hubby Dan and our Hott Tub!)  But hey….  God has a plan for everything!  Right?! OK.…

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Why Should I Be The One To Change?

How many times have we, as wives, said these words when struggling with dissension in our marriage? I know I have. There was a time in my marriage, okay, well probably more like a decade, when I saw nothing but the faults of my spouse in every conflict. It’s amazing; really, that I could see…

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The Daily – Christian Clichés

We have all heard them, you know the cliché phrases that Christians like to say when they are too busy to stop and care, the topic is just too hard, or your issue is beyond their understanding. Today, however, I am sick of them. I am tired of being in a real struggle only to…

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