Posts Tagged ‘Moms’
Train up a Child…
As a young married couple contemplating the start of our family, I remember the idealistic views we had on parenting. It makes me smile and chuckle when I think how completely naive we were. In my mind I saw perfectly behaved children who were just like me, high achievers and goal setters. I wanted for…
Keep Reading...Parenting the Fruit of the Spirit
One thing (of a bazillion) continually on my mind, is the fruit of the Spirit, and how I will be measured by my fruit. As a Christian parent, one of my top priorities is to have my family complete in Heaven. I want all of my children there with me one day. I therefore put…
Keep Reading...Mom: a Three Letter Word
I’m not sure there is any other word that can arouse the amount of mixed emotions as this three-letter one. Mom. Is there a sweeter sound to the ear than the phrase, “I love you, Mommy”? Yet, to be perfectly honest, as a single mother, I hear the word, “Mom” (usually, “MOM!”) an awful lot.…
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