40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 1

40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation

If you live  in the United States of America, then you are more than aware of the political turmoil that has been happening in our country for awhile now. Hey, even if you are NOT in the USA, I am pretty certain you are up to speed on the discord in Washington. Well, it is…

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None Like You Prayer

Lord, thank You for this day. Today, I just want to tell You how awesome You are. There is none like You. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are my Provider, Savior, Healer, Friend that sticks Closer than a Brother, Lover of my Soul, Creator of all things, Light of…

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The Promised Miracle

This week I invite you to journey with me back in time. Back to a day before Caleb became sick, but a day that would set the stage for all the ones to come. Intrigued yet? It was December 2008. We were still living in West Virginia. We, meaning Rick, myself, Alana and Caleb, went…

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