Finding Hope Again After the Loss of a Baby

Finding Hope Again After the Loss of a Baby

I always wanted to be a mom. That is, until the day I didn’t. I’m not sure what happened, really. I just remember it was a Saturday morning, I woke up next to my new husband, and I thought I wasn’t too sure about this “having kids” thing. Hesitantly, I voiced my concern. To my…

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Where Were You When You Realized “I’M PREGNANT!”?

Pacing the bathroom floor, the longest three minutes of my life have been spent waiting for the little pink plus sign to appear.  You?  What will it be?  Negative… again!  Or, wait….  it’s positive!  We’re pregnant!  How many times have you watched the clock tick the seconds away to reveal the outcome of a pregnancy…

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Stress And Pregnancy

Stress Relief During Pregnancy If you truly want to ensure a great pregnancy, you should work on keeping a healthy and positive physical, mental and spiritual state. There is substantial evidence which suggests that a mother’s physical and mental wellness during pregnancy can affect not only the outcome of their pregnancy but the well being…

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