Finding Time To Exercise After Pregnancy

If exercise is so obviously the answer to losing weight after childbirth, then why aren’t more women doing it? The answer isn’t as tricky as you may think. One problem most new mothers will report is that they don’t feel that they have enough time to exercise after birth. This is a complaint among just…

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Fetal Development Month by Month

Month 1: Your first month of pregnancy your baby will accomplish many things, first and foremost, conception, fertilization, and implantation. After a woman ovulates, the egg is normally fertilized within 24-48 hours. The single fertilized cell begins to rapidly divide and at this point in time is called a zygote. Many amazing things happen at…

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Early Signs of Pregnancy

Think you may need to do a home pregnancy test? Pregnancy can be a life changing event. Here are some of the early signs of pregnancy to help you decide if it’s time for that all important test: Often, your family will notice that you are irritable or moody before you even begin to suspect…

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