How to Prevent and Deal with Toddler Tantrums

Is it terrible twos or terrible threes? Either way toddler tantrums are ear-splitting or headache inducing for any parent who has lost all patience or is it control of their child? It’s not so simple being a toddler. Sometimes they want to be the baby and sometimes they seek and demand for independence. Life as…

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Preparing for Homeschooling – First Grade

This coming homeschool year will be a milestone for me. My oldest will be entering her last year and my youngest is starting first grade. Lots of emotions whirling around this Mom. I can tell you that I am a blessed woman. It has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Being able…

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Choosing Age-Appropriate Video Games for Your Kids

Video games are more popular than ever before. With enhanced graphics, interactive game play and a variety of gaming platforms, kids and adults eagerly await the next hot game. All video games are not appropriate for all ages. Make your kids aware of the video game choices that are right for them. In the beginning,…

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