The Grandparents’ Handbook

Review: The Grandparents’ Handbook is a very enjoyable and informative read for any grandparent who wants to have some fun with their grandchildren. Not only does it have fun ideas on what to do with your toddler grandchildren, but it also gives you a “refresher course” on how to deal with and handle little babies.…

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When Kids Grow Up Too Fast

A question has been floating around in my gray haired little brain lately.  A recent incident has peaked my curiosity; however, this is a little embarrassing to bring up.  I am almost reluctant to allow the matter to surface.  But as a parent, I just need – to – know!  So, let’s just keep this…

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25 Creative Summer Fun Tips for Families

25 Summer Fun Tips for Families #summer #fun #tips #family

Summer is meant to be a great time to enjoy your kids and reconnect in-between school years. Unfortunately, many Moms feel overwhelmed with trying to find ways to entertain their children day in and day out–for months. No more stressing needed! Bellow you will find 25 summer fun tips to help you enjoy the summer…

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