
Movie Title: Marmaduke Rating: PG Director: Tom Dey Staring: Voices of Owen Wilson, Kiefer Sutherland, Sam Elliot and George Lopez as Carlos. Also starring; Lee Pace, Judy Greer, Caroline Sunshine, Finley Jacobsen. Category:Family, comedy, children Moms of Faith Rating: 7 out of 10 Intro: I remember as a child reading the Marmaduke comic strip. While…

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Fun Fall Activities for the Whole Family

It is with great joy that I’m anticipating the arrival of fall. After an unseasonably hot and humid summer the cool breezes will be a welcomed gift from Mother Nature. I’ve already begun my fall decorating and pulled out the scarecrows, warm blankets, cozy pillows, and pumpkin scented candles. There are so many fun activities…

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Encouraging Nonconformity

If you want to walk with Jesus you must walk on a narrow path. It’s a rewarding path that isn’t always easy but necessary if we want to conform to the ways of Christ and not the ways of the world. With the school year nipping at our heels, most of us are busy school…

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