Time Saving House Cleaning Tips

Oh, the housework is never ending! It’s doesn’t matter whether you’re a stay-at-home-mom, work-at-home-mom or work-out-of-the-home-mom if you live in a house and I know you do, and then there’s always house work. House work can be time consuming, but not if you maintain it often by using these classic time saving cleaning tips shared…

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7 Tips To Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions

What is it about New Year’s resolutions that many people make, but can’t keep? Some people don’t believe in resolutions. Others take the easy road and not make resolutions so they don’t have to break them and feel bad about it. That’s okay too. If you’re one of the many who make resolutions and have…

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Chapped Lips and Homemade Lip Balms

Dry, cracked and chapped lips can happen to all of us. Chapped lips can occur in any season so it’s important to take care of your lips in during all types of weather. You also have to be careful of what lip care treatment or products you want to buy and use. Sometimes the store…

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