Faith and Business 101: 10 Business Tips Entrepreneurs Should Know

One thing about starting a home business is that you will most likely make a lot of mistakes along the way. What’s that mean? Learn from your mistakes to become a better business owner–better yet, avoid making many of them! Here’s a compilation of business tips that entrepreneurs should know before starting a business. Business…

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Breast Cancer Symptoms and Risk Factors

While there is no cure for breast cancer–yet, I believe treatment is more effective when it is detected early. Breast cancer has no borders; it doesn’t discriminate and when I say it doesn’t discriminate I mean it literally, because men can get breast cancer too. Yearly mammograms don’t always detect breast cancer so it’s equally…

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Breast Cancer: Live Well. Be Aware. Be Educated.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every month should be an awareness month because every woman should do breast self-exams monthly (BSE). If you’re still menstruating, then a few days after would be ideal and if you’re postmenopausal then pick the first or last day of the month so you’re less likely to forget. Breast cancer…

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