How to Prevent and Deal with Toddler Tantrums

Is it terrible twos or terrible threes? Either way toddler tantrums are ear-splitting or headache inducing for any parent who has lost all patience or is it control of their child? It’s not so simple being a toddler. Sometimes they want to be the baby and sometimes they seek and demand for independence. Life as…

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3 Lies Moms Tell Themselves

In a world where media is a dominating force, it is difficult to see the real truth through the murky waters of self indulgent, propagated sensationalism. Sadly, because of this, we begin to see and believe lies about ourselves that are simply not true. 3 Common Lies Moms Believe Lie #1: I am not good…

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26 Winter Break and Christmas Craft Tips

With the kids home from school for a couple weeks for winter break, I though it would be a great opportunity to share some great craft tips for Christmas and winter season. Please feel free to share some of your own tips as well! :) Quick Christmas and Winter Craft Tips 1. For a fun…

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