Posts Tagged ‘Woman Stuff’
My Sin Story…
I wanted to share a very personal story with you from my other blog… I anguished over writing this post. I was afraid of being judged, losing readers or even worse–causing a sister to stumble. Once I came to terms with the fact that God was not going to stop nagging me to write it,…
Keep Reading...Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads
Imagine how much money you could save each month/year if you used reusable cloth menstrual pads. This thought might illicit an “Eww!”, but if you’re looking for ways to be frugal and eco-friendly this is a good option to consider. Disposable pads and tampons are made from synthetic materials which mean there is nothing natural…
Keep Reading...30 Ways to Look and Feel Better
Every woman wants to be pretty and look good. True beauty comes from a clean heart and fear of the Lord. The tips below are meant to help us look better and feel better. However, if our hearts are not set towards the King, we will struggle our whole lives–searching for significance that only comes…
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