How To Get That Promotion

If you’re looking for that promotion or pay rise then you’ll need to be noticed by your employer. Here are a few Promotion tips to help you stand out from the crowd: Have a Friendly & Positive attitude towards Everyone you come into contact. Provide Service and treat Everyone as your customer. Be Professional at…

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Changing Careers – Ultimate Tips For Success

Are you thinking about changing your career? Are you worried about how difficult the transition is going to be? Then you are not alone. Many people go through similar anticipation when thinking about attempting a career change. Your career is among the most important things in your life, and changing it is one of the…

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Breastfeeding Your Baby while you work

I breastfed both my babies even though I had a demanding full time job. It is possible, but it requires a lot of effort. Determination. Willpower. And of course, a good breast pump. I started breastfeeding my babies from birth. I was lucky. The hospital where I bore my first baby had a breastfeeding consultant.…

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