10 Beautiful Skin Tips

Sunscreen – Protect your skin from the sun. Use at least as SPF 15 sunscreen, and avoid direct sunlight between the hours of 10pm and 3pm.

Drink Water – Water is one of the best things you can put into your body…and it’s calorie free! The more you drink the better your skin will look! Women should drink half of their body weight in ounces of water each day.

Catch some Z’s – Poor sleep is a disaster for your skin. Try to get at least 6-8 hours sleep each night.

Toss It – Replace old sponges in your compact every 3 months or so. Replace the whole compact if not used within 6 months. The average shelf life for make-up is 6 to 12 months.

Oily Skin Tip – To reduce the appearance of oily skin, cut a lemon into wedges. Rub some all over your face. Leave it for about 15 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Pimples Be Gone – Crush a clove of garlic apply the juice to your daily. It is said to reduce pimples.

Naked Skin is Best – Forget make-up. Go natural as often as possible. After all, make-up is one of the leading causes of clogged pores. And, we all know that clogged pores leads to pimply skin!

Don’t Forget the Hands – Make sure that you put sun block on those hands. Your hands really reveal your age. Make sure to moisturize them daily, and do weekly hand treatments (alpha hydroxy works good).

Wash – Be sure and wash your face twice a day. And NEVER go to bed with your make-up on. For every day that you sleep in your make-up, you have aged your skin FOUR! Also, be sure to exfoliate your skin at least every other day.

Moisturize – After you wash that beautiful skin, moisturize it. Use night cream before bed, and face cream during the day. Make sure you take care of your eyes as well. When you do wear make-up, be sure and put a good moisturizer underneath!

Applying these simple skin care tips are sure to help you have beautiful skin!

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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