A Father’s Love

By: Melissa Ringstaff

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3

Whether you have loved God all of your life, or if you have never loved Him, He has loved you with an “everlasting love.” It is a love like none other.

A father has just been handed his newborn baby. He looks down at the tiny fingers, the small nose, and the beautiful eyes of his child. This father knows a love like he has never known before. He loves this child more than he ever thought possible. He might even feel overwhelmed by the incredible responsibility that love will bring.

Does he love this baby because the baby loves him? Of course not. He loves the baby because it is a part of him. He helped to create the life he is holding in his hands. He loves the baby because it is his child.

He wants to see his child have a wonderful life. A life filled with happiness and success. He wants only the best for his child. He wants to do everything in his power to see that his child is given the best possible life.

I believe this is similar to how God feels about us. Imagine God standing beside this new dad. He reaches out and strokes the baby’s soft cheek. He loves this child more than anyone ever could – even more than the baby’s dad. And even more than a new father, our Heavenly Father wishes each of His children happiness and love.

“I know you don’t know, yet, who I am, but I know everything about you,” He tells the child. (Psalm 139)

“I created you in My image.” (Genesis 1:27)

“I will be there for you when you are hurting and I will deliver you from your troubles.” (Psalm 34;18; Psalm 54)

“I will do good by you all the days of your life. I will rejoice over you with all of My heart and soul.” (Jeremiah 32: 40,41)

“I knew you before you were born. I knit you together in your mother’s womb. You were written in My book before you were even made.” (Psalm 139: 13-16)

“I love you so much that I sent my son, Jesus Christ, to die for you, so that you might live with me for eternity. All you have to do is believe in Him with all of your heart, mind, and soul.” (John 3:16)

“I hope that you will accept him as your Savior, so that in the last day, we might be together.” (John 6: 40)

God’s love is immeasurable by human standards. He can heal your hurts and take away your pain. All you have to do is trust in Him. Make a decision today to return the love that has been freely offered. “For this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” ( 1 John 4:10 )

About the Author: Melissa Ringstaff is the Director and Founder of A Virtuous Woman, a non-profit ministry for women based on the Scriptures of Proverbs 31. She lives in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of Harlan, Kentucky with her husband and five children. You can contact Melissa online at https://www.avirtuouswoman.org or by email at:melissaringstaff@avirtuouswoman.org

Copyright © Melissa Ringstaff

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