Kids and Toys Review – Sassy Me-in-the-Mirror Toy

Product Name: Sassy Me-in-the-Mirror Toy
Submitted by: Dana Klopfer; Jacksonville, FL
Rating: 10
Where to buy: Target

Description: This mirror is angled to give your baby a good view of himself. It features a roller ball rattle, crinkle bird, squeaky flower and a purple rubber teether.

Review: We purchased this mirror for my daughter when she was about 2 months old. I sometimes place her in her crib to play for a little bit and I would notice that very quickly she would get very quiet, which is not like her. When I would peek in on her, she would just be staring at herself in the mirror. Seemingly fascinated! I think she was trying to figure out who this cute baby was in her crib looking at her! She also loves to grab the crinkle bird. You can easily tie this mirror to anything your baby is around. I actually had it on her changing table for many months, it kept her very occupied while I changed her diaper. She would look into the mirror and chew on the rubber ring teether. I highly recommend this mirror. It is affordable and you will get much use from it.

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