30 Ways to Look and Feel Better

Every woman wants to be pretty and look good. True beauty comes from a clean heart and fear of the Lord. The tips below are meant to help us look better and feel better. However, if our hearts are not set towards the King, we will struggle our whole lives–searching for significance that only comes from Him.

Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised! Proverbs 31:30 (amp)

30 Tips to Help Women Look and Feel Better

1. Smile. It’s pretty, friendly, nice and you use less facial muscles smiling. Plus, laugh lines are far prettier than frown lines when you get older! ;)

2. Sleep on Your Back. No joke! Your breasts will fight gravity better and your face lines will be less prominent. Sleeping on your side or back scrunches up your face and flops the girls around. Back sleeping is the way to go!

3. Wash your Face. Never go to bed with make up on. Every time you do, I heard you age four days! Just look in the mirror the next morning…you can see the eyeliner grooves digging into your skin…FUTURE lines!!! Washing the face limits blemishes too! Scrub a dub dub–gently, of course…

4. Love Yourself. God knew what He was doing, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of the Universe. Love His masterpiece!

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. – Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

5. Drink More Water. Water is one of the most important things you can put in your body. When I read articles where beautiful women share their “beauty secrets”, I almost always read that they drink a lot of water. Eight glasses of water a day is not what we should be drinking. We should be drinking half our body weight in ounces! Cut your current weight in half and drink that many in ounces per day of water.

6. Eat Healthier. Raw fruits and veggies should be a large part of our diets. Lean meats over fatty, and limited refined flours, harmful chemicals and sugar.

7. Exercise. When we exercise, not only will we be more toned and look better, we will feel better! If you are overweight, lose weight! Exercise will help!

8. Get a New Hair Style. Nothing is quite as refreshing as a new hairdo! Go for a new color too if it tickles your fancy!

9. Paint your Nails. This makes hands look pretty. A nice light color or bold when you are going out and about.

10. Moisturize. This makes your skin look soft and supple. Dry, brittle skin makes you look old!

11. Shimmer. I love shimmer powder and sprays. It can really brighten up your whole look.

12. Forgive. Have you ever looked closely at a bitter old woman? It is a sad state. Forgive and be joy-filled!

13. Go to the Dentist. Take care of those pearly whites! Regular checkups and cleanings will make a huge difference to your smile.

14. Stand up Straight. Good posture just looks good. Who wants to be a hunch back?? Not me!

15. Laugh More. Laughing releases healthy endorphins. It is good all around and contagious too! Laugh at yourself, life, just laugh! You will feel better and laugh lines are gorgeous!

16. Frown Less. Need I say more?

17. Make Eye Contact. Looking someone in the eye is bold and confident. THAT is attractive!

18. Fight the Gray! Unless you really love it, or it just looks great on you, why not perk up the color a bit?

19. Wear Age Appropriate Makeup. It is kind of sad when I see an older woman trying to look like she’s 17 again. Not that we need to look like grandmas when we are old. However, we should go for a womanly look…not a teenie bopper look.

20. Never rub under your Eyes. The skin under your eyes is very sensitive to wrinkles! Never ever rub it…only blot and lightly pat!

21. Get a Tan. A little color looks great! Lay out, get sprayed or buy a cream.–whatever works for you.

22. Wear Clothes that Flatter You. 50 pounds overweight and skin tight clothes do not make good friends.

23. Pluck. Get rid of the uni-brow.

24. Shave. Prickly pears belong in trees, not on legs and pits.

25. Lip Gloss. It really brightens up the face.

26. Mani/Pedis. This is a nice self treat. It also looks pretty.

27. Wear Heels. Heels make your legs look sexy!

28. Get Sleep. Lack of sleep equals bags under the eyes. NOT attractive.

29. Don’t Drink and/or Smoke. Enough said.

30. Be Thankful. A thankful heart and life is a happy life and happy begets happy! Be thankful in everything–big and small!

At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. – Ephesians 5:20 (amp)

Looking good is more than our outer appearance. It really comes from within. The tips above are meant to help us all look better and feel better. However, if we have rot on the inside, no amount of makeup or plastic surgery can fix it.

Live love.


Give More.

Care More.

Laugh and be thankful.

THAT is beautiful!

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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