40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 30

If you are just visiting, we are on day thirty of a 40 day prayer journey for our nation! We are unified and seeking a move of God! Please visit this page for more information about this 40 days of prayer, AND to grab some promotional images, hash tag ideas, etc., to help us promote this event, and tear down the gates of hell!

Let’s pray:

Father God, You are faithful. We love You, Lord. You are the only Wise King. You alone are Holy. You alone are All-Knowing. You alone are worthy of all glory, honor, and praise. We adore You.

Lord, we humbly come before You and plead for every citizen in Alaska, Hawaii, and all other places in United States of America’s dominion not mentioned previously. We ask that You send Your angels to protect them, and their families today–and every day. We ask that You bless each of them, and that You help them to prosper financially, spiritually, physically, and relationally. We ask that you help them to find jobs, and help them to pay their bills. We just pray for abundant blessings to fall over them, and that they are unable to deny You as the source of their blessings! For those who do not know You, we pray that You will make Yourself known and real to them–just as You did with Paul on the Road to Damascus! We pray for a super-natural fire to rise up across our land! We pray for a real and tangible move! We thank You for interceding and hearing our prayers for the people of this great nation!

Thank You for Your grace and mercy over our lives. Thank You for Your forgiveness and love. Help us to be shining lights in this dark world. Help us to be courageous, and to stand up for righteousness! Help this nation, Lord. Help it to be a nation that is known throughout all the lands as a nation that honors the Almighty God! In Jesus’ Mighty and Faithful Name, amen.

Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps His covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commands. – Deuteronomy 7:9

Please don’t forget to share your prayers below, and to head over to this page to grab a promotional image as well!

40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation: Day 30

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