Reusable Cloth Menstrual Pads

Imagine how much money you could save each month/year if you used reusable cloth menstrual pads. This thought might illicit an “Eww!”, but if you’re looking for ways to be frugal and eco-friendly this is a good option to consider. Disposable pads and tampons are made from synthetic materials which mean there is nothing natural…

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Earth Day

Earth day is this week (4/22/10). How should Christians respond to Earth day? First, I think we need to keep it all in perspective. Yes, we are to be good stewards of the planet. However, we are not to be earth “worshipers.” The earth is just another thing in our lives that God wants us…

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7 Reusing Paper Tips for Young Children

For those of you that have toddlers or young children the issue of using paper to draw on has most likely come up. How can we let our kids enjoy coloring without feeling like we are allowing the waste of paper and the over killing of trees? Well, by being creative, coming up with ways…

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