Hurricane Isaac Prayer

Tropical Storm Isaac

Lord, we thank You and Praise You that You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are Mighty and All Powerful. Nothing is beyond Your power. We give You all glory, honor, and praise. We humbly come before You and ask for protection to everyone who is, was, and will be affected…

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Pursue Your Life With Courage

Life is short even when it’s long. I’m thirty-nine years old and truthfully I feel younger than I did in my twenties. However, when I look in the mirror I’m reminded by a few gray strands of hair that I’m no spring chicken. I embrace my years and look forward to growing older, but, I…

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The Daily – I have to be Honest with You…

I am struggling. I am in a spiritual battle. Please forgive me for being gone. Please know that I am never MIA from writing my Daily for no reason. It usually means to pray for me because life is throwing me some curve balls! I have been going through one trial after another lately and…

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