Holiday Dieting Humor

Once again, it’s that time of year where diet and eating healthy goes out the window. There are so many tips and people with advice…like; “eat before you go to parties or drink lots of water to fill yourself up”. Seriously, is that any fun? Forget all that! Instead, let’s indulge in some humor because…

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Commando Levi

Once again, I lose the prize for “Mother of the Year”! I just can’t believe that after four children, how I could have missed something so basic, so required, so essential!  It is almost just too embarrassing to share with you.  Like I said – almost!  :-) Yesterday was one of those action packed days…

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The Last First

One would think that I would have learned by now, right?!  I’ve often heard the phrase “Practice Makes Perfect,” so after four, yes 4 children, it should get a little easier!  Or, should it? As you may or may not know, we have been having some troubles over here in our little Hott humble abode. …

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