Tuesday’s Mommy Tips – Visual Learning

Welcome to our FIRST Tuesday’s Mommy Tips! We would LOVE for you to participate in this weekly blog carnival! Click Here for more information! OK, on to my tip for this week…

Visual Learning

This is for Moms with young children. It does not matter if you homeschool or not. We should be involved in their learning.

When you are teaching your child letters, numbers, words, or reading it is VERY helpful to set up visuals.

What do I mean?

OK, you have several options. You can get index cards without lines and write the letter they are learning on it. Then tape it to an item in your home…or their room that starts with that letter. You can do the same for words. Write wall on the the card and tape it to the wall. You can do the same for door, chair, desk, and so on. Colors are another great way to incorporate this. Write the color word name IN its color and place it on an item that is that color.

This was very useful in teaching my oldest to read and recognize words and numbers. Today, she is an excellent reader and very smart.

The key is to be creative and repetitive in whatever you are trying to teach your child.

OK, do you have a helpful tip for Moms? PLEASE share it! Learn how here!


  1. Dianna on September 16, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    GREAT tip. I’m going to put this one into practice. Thanks.

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