Baby Product Review – Tushies Brand All Cotton Chemical Free Disposable Diapers

Product Name: Tushies Brand All Cotton Chemical Free Disposable Diapers
Submitted By: Carrie Lauth; Dallas, GA
Rating: 8
Where to buy:

Description: A more natural chemical free, cotton based disposable diaper alternative

Review: I have used Tushies in a pinch when I was traveling and didn’t want to bother with cloth. I found them to be quite absorbent, but I change my babies frequently.

Tushies use a natural cotton blend for their absorbency. They are free of perfumes and Polyacrylate Gels (those super absorbent gel “beads” that regular disposable diapers leave behind).

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  1. Kelly Faber on July 31, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    I use disposable diapers and I have never heard of this one before though! I would like to try these out, especially since they are chemical free! Thank you for sharing! :)

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