Beauty Product Review – Nail Ease

Product Name: Nail Ease
Submitted by: Laura Temple; Eagle River, AK
Rating: 10
Where to buy:

Description: In searching online for a non-surgical answer to painful ingrown toe nails, I came across Nail Ease.

Review: It seemed too good to be true, but the price was (eventually) worth the try. Truly, the product worked exactly as it said it would and better than I could have hoped or imagined. This product arrived in the mail and worked even before I could get in to see the podiatrist! It certainly was a much more pleasant solution than surgery!

Criticism: The product is a little on the expensive side. I would have expected the price to have been closer to $9.95. Pain & the need to avoid surgery pushed me over the price, and it took several days to make the decision. I would love to be able to purchase these in multiple kits at a discount, such as in packages of 2-5. Additionally, I’d like to be able to purchase the product thru my Paypal account as I like to use cash, not credit, to buy.

Copyright © Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Burt Burrell on August 30, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    Laura, Thanks for taking the time to post a comment about our product, NailEase. Hearing positive reviews is always an uplifting experience. Most of our customer comments are positive. When a customer has a negative experience we bend over backwards to correct any problem. We are a small company and our costs are such that we can not market and see NailEase for the $10 you mentioned. We try to sell a solution to a problem. In that case, $15 is very reasonable. On the personal side, I have been a single father taking care of a multiply handicapped daughter for the past 22 years since she was 4 yrs. old, playing the roll of mother and father. from that perspective, I join you as a “mom of faith.” Best to all. Burt Burrell, owner, NailEase

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