The Lord is my Shepherd – Peace

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Psalm 23:2

He makes me lie down in fresh tender green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.

We will start with the original Hebrew for a couple of these words.

Stillmenuchah (men-oo-khaw’): peacefully, comfortable, ease, quiet, resting place

Pasturena’ah (naw-aw’): pleasant place

In verse one, we talked about the comparison of God as the Shepherd and we are His beloved sheep. We talked about not straying and remaining in His pasture.

Well, today we learn another benefit to remaining in Him. When we submit to Him and live a consecrated life, we receive His peace. He leads us to peace. He leads us to a quiet comfortable resting place.

You see, when we step away from a life of obedience and go our own way, we have no peace. We feel a deep hole without God. We feel lonely and have no peace. The reason for this is because there is a place deep within us that only God can fill. When we are walking with Him, peace is one of our rewards. And when God makes a promise, He keeps it.

You would think that a life with peace would be enough to make us want to keep close to our Shepherd. Unfortunately, many of us have one foot in the world and one foot with Christ. And that does not equal peace. You cannot mix Light and darkness and expect to have peace.

So, make a decision to let your flesh die and remain close to your Shepherd.

Let’s pray,

Daddy God, thank You that You have made a way for me to have peace in this chaotic world. Thank You for always finding ways to bring happiness and wonderful things into my life. I love You, Daddy. And I want to remain close to You always and have Your peace forever. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

In His Love and Service,

Lara ;)

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Fibromyalgia and Faith on July 9, 2011 at 11:15 am

    This was a great short devotional. I have problems with depression and anxiety partly due to my condition and devotionals like these always send a pick-me-up my way. Thanks and keep spreading the Word!

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