Guarding Our Home and Keeping it Godly

Recently, I heard a speaker say that, “the home is the domestic church.” Home is where the family flourishes, traditions are created, memories are cherished, where morals are instilled, and most importantly where our children learn their values. The church is place of worship that provides Christians with fellowship, instruction, and comfort.

Bringing our children to church is an integral part of their Christian education. The church is a wonderful place for families to gather and develop relationships as brothers and sisters in Christ. As Christians it is our responsibility to create a home that mirrors the fellowship, values, and teachings of Christ. Our home should be holy. Therefore, we should guard what we allow in our homes just as we should guard our mind from negativity and those things that are not of God.

Why Should We Guard Our Home?

We should guard our home because it is the family sanctuary. The outside world can be a frightening and dangerous place. Our children need to know that they have a secure place to go where the outside world is kept outside. They expect us to provide them with a certain level of safety and that is our duty as parents. When we allow worldly outside influences to enter our home we are inviting destruction. Keep the door locked from all that is of the world.

What Are We Guarding Our Home From?

As a Christian Mom, what should we guard our mind from? We guard our mind from all that is against God. Therefore, when we guard our home we are guarding it from anything that goes against the commandments and teaching of the Lord. If we allow gossip in our home than we are allowing a layer of dirt to develop, when lying is tolerated a thicker layer of dirt starts to form, if we allow media that is ungodly in our home than it adds another layer, and so forth. If we allow negative influences into our home it becomes dirty, filled with thick layers of grime that only a good spiritual cleaning can fix.

How Should We Guard Our Home?

We are Christ’s soldiers, marching forward through the battlefield of landmines that try to keep us off the narrow path. We only arrive at victory if we use discernment, God given wisdom, and are obedient to the Lord’s word and commandments. The same knowledge that we use in the battlefield is the same knowledge we must use when guarding our home.

Cleaning Your Domestic Church

Self examination is invaluable to a Christian. God wants us to look at ourselves and examine the areas that we need to improve on as a follower of Christ. This is the same type of examination we should perform in our home. Look closely at what you allow on your television, does your family treat your home with respect, do you honor God in your home, do you keep the negative influences outside? I have bibles and spiritual literature in every room of my home. I find it comforting that in any room I can read the Word of God and my daughter will have that same access. I pay close attention to the conversation and the media that I allow in, if it is not of God than it has no place there. I try to keep my home clean from not only the dust and clutter that accumulates, but from the dirt of the outside world.

When we raise our children in a home that reflects godly values, it has a long lasting impact on them both in the present and the future. Children will view the home as a place where they are safe from the outside world, where the Lord is glorified, and morals are instilled. We can’t control the outside world, but we can control what happens in our home. Just as we learn the lessons of Christ in church on Sunday, we have a responsibility Monday through Friday to reflect these teachings in our home.

“Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering and sacrifice of God.”
Ephesians 5:1-3

Copyright © Chere Williams, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Elelta on October 13, 2009 at 10:28 am

    Wow, that is a powerful advice. How many times we allow things that are not of God to take residence in our home and before we know it, it erodes our faith walk. God bless you!

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