Tuesday’s Mommy Tip: Burn Extra Calories

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OK, on to this week’s Mommy tip

Burn Extra Calories

With the holidays coming, I thought it would be a perfect time to share what I have been doing…

I have been diligently focusing on weighloss and fitness over the past couple of months. I have dieted on and off throughout the years, however, I never had the results I really wanted. Until now. What am I doing differently? I am focusing on all the different ways I can burn more calories and take less inss. I just got off the scale to discover that I have lost another two pounds. YEAH! I am not at 12 pounds lost. A couple of the things I am doing to burn extra calories are…

Walking: I am not just walking. I am pushing a stroller with a child in it. She is 5 and old enough to walk. However, I let her walk and run for half of our hr walk, then she get pooped and in the stroller while Mommy burns butter. I am also wearing ankle weights for maximum calorie burning. The ankle weights are great for the stroll AND speed walk portion of our daily walk. Yes, daily. I try to walk as much as possible.

Eat Less and More Often. Sounds like an oxymoron. LOL. It’s true though. I have been eating less portions. Lower fat, sugar and bad carbs. I have also gone from eating once or twice a day to 5 times. It has helped speed up my metabolism.

I am feeling better, sleeping better and looking better every day.

Note: Most of what I am learning can be found at my new website, Fat Be Gone Club. I also wrote an ebook filled with great tips and ideas to prepare, motivate and help with any weighloss program. It’s called; So, You Want to Be Thin. A GREAT resource for under ten bucks.

Well, I hope these tips help you as they have helped me. Happy Butter Burning!

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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