Faith and Business 101: Holiday Helps For You and Your Mom Business – Part 1

This middle week in the month of December is crucial for a Mom Business. Most likely it is the last week you can receive and gather orders to ship out in time for Christmas. It’s a crazy, busy week for most of us! Below is a daily plan to help you maximize your potential this week!

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5

Today-Friday 12/11/09
Commit the next 7 days to the Lord. Ask for renewed strength to get everything done that God wants you to do. Make sure you keep your family first during this busy week. Make time for the most important people in your life each and every day. Write this in ink in your planner. When you are 80 and looking back on your life, you will not wish you had made just one more sale or landed a wealthy client right before Christmas. Make sure your family knows they are loved… and feels that they are loved by you.

Saturday 12/12/09
Make a wish list. Not for you, but for your business. Make a list of the top 25 clients you would like to work with in 2010 and brainstorm ideas to make that happen. Make up a presentation packet along with a gift basket of samples and deliver to this person or company before Christmas.

Sunday 12/13/09
Take some time to rest and pray today! It is always restful for me to get my thoughts out on paper. Make a list today of everything that needs to get done this week. Write everything out in detail and pray for God’s blessing. Then rest in knowing that God is in control. Leave it in His capable hands and rest up for your busy week beginning in the morning!

Monday 12/14/09
Write and mail Christmas cards to your clients and customers. Offer an end-of-the year special.

Tuesday 12/15/09
Bake and deliver Christmas goodies to neighbors, your hair stylist, your kid’s teachers and music teachers, etc. Offer a sample of your product and a coupon with each gift. Do not expect anything in return. Do this as an act of loving-kindness! It may bring about customers in the future, it may not.

Wednesday 12/16/09
Write a blog post about your end of the year specials. If you don’t have a blog, now is the time to create one! Also, use this day to catch up on your Social Networking. Post your specials on Facebook, twitter, cafemom, etc. Let everyone know of the days you will be closed for the holidays, too.

Thursday 12/17/09
Dream. And focus. John Maxwell says “A dream that isn’t clear won’t help you get anywhere. What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to experience? What do you want to contribute? Who do you want to become? In other words, what does success look like for you?” Write out your dreams. And then start adding the details. Write down the answers to these questions and be ready to jump on them as soon as the New Year rolls around!

Friday 12/18/09
Read my Mom’s of Faith Column, “Holiday Helps for You and Your Mom Business – Part 2” and learn how to plan your week so that you can enjoy a Christ-centered, relaxing Christmas with your family.

Until Next Time…


Copyright © MariLee Parrish, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Shara on December 11, 2009 at 4:42 pm

    These are great ideas and I love that verse – wow. I’m going to have to tweet that verse out :-) Thanks, MariLee!! I often need reminding that as busy as we get, our focus must remain on the Lord. For He is the one who gives us the passion for our business in the first place…and brings clients and business even when we assume there will be none. God has the power to move and work inside the impossible – our trust must always be in Him and not in man. Thanks so much for this and for your wonderful ideas.

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