Faith and Business 101: The Mirror

Yesterday was kind of a depressing day for me. Maybe not so much depressing as it was overwhelming! Have you ever held the mirror up to your life and taken a good long look? I personally try to do this on a pretty regular basis. I meet with my accountability partner each week and she does a wonderful job of speaking truth into my life. And yet…I’ve recently recognized some giants in my life that I know I need to tackle. I see them clearly now.

Why am I writing about this in the “Faith & Business” section? Well, because the way I live my life affects my business. These issues I need to tackle keep me from being all God wants me to be. In life. In business. I have a hard time believing a person who says they can “check all their stuff at the door,” disconnect with their personal life, and be a great business leader. I have met a lot of great leaders in my life, and all of them have been real. Authentic. That’s the kind of leader that I respect. That’s the kind of leader that I can learn from. Someone who pretends like they have it all together doesn’t help me at all. Those people are frustrating, right? And they aren’t being honest with themselves.

Back to “The Mirror.” Yes, I’ve held it up and I see some ugly things. The problem? Where will I find the time and energy to do what needs done? I have been pondering these verses:

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 12-13 NIV

First, I was just looking for verse 13. “I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.” That is a famous, often quoted piece of scripture. The verse before it is not nearly as well-known. But I think its very important!

How can I be content in my current situation when I see such giant tasks ahead of me? Does this verse mean that I should just be lazy and content with where I am and do nothing? I don’t think so.

I think God is telling me not to beat myself up over the way things are. Yes, I’ve looked in the mirror and I know what needs to be done, but I’m not supposed to wallow in it. I have to DO something about it. With God’s help. I can do everything through His power and His strength. I can be content knowing that God will come along side me and help me conquer these giants.

What giants do you see in the mirror? Remember…

You can do everything with the power of Christ working through you!

Until Next Time…


Copyright © MariLee Parrish, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Leah on February 19, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    That is powerful – looking in the mirror isn’t very comfortable, but needed, I know from my own life I don’t always like the woman that stares back at me. But then there are other days that I love the woman that stares back at me! I think it is important to tackle the “giants” in your life but not beat yourself up, it is more important to move forward and change your current path instead of wallowing in the past.

    Thank you for making us realize that even you are “human” too! I appreciate your open heart. God Bless in tackling those giants!

  2. **Nicole** on February 19, 2010 at 8:15 pm

    One of my favorite Bible verses is that the one that talks about God’s strength being made perfect in our weakness :) Thanks for the thoughts!

  3. Sherrill Yoder on February 20, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    Marilee, you are not alone. Sometimes we can go for awhile with our heads in the sand (or the sky) but reality is, if we are not growing, we are stagnant (rotten). Yes, it takes courage to face our giants but step by step, with God’s help we can. He also promises not to give us more than we can handle and this past year, He believes I can handle more than I think I can!!
    Blessings, Sherrill

  4. Becky on February 21, 2010 at 8:52 am

    This is the first real blog I have ever read. I actually LOOKED for one to fit me after watching the movie Julie and Julia. Thank you for sharing yourself. I’m the only christian in my home and there is much to be done. Max Lucado said “if pride goes before a fall, then SHAME keeps you on your knees.”
    Your blog helped me remember that God knows, and will help. thank you

  5. Jen Malcolm on February 22, 2010 at 10:24 am

    We do have to work daily on being Christ-like and it’s hard sometimes to keep the flesh from taking over … I’m thankful for each new day that God gives us to start over and try again to do our best!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!

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