10 Things to Help Boost Holiday Sales

1. I always encourage business owners to write up their own wish list! This list contains the clients that you WISH you had! Come up with ideas to connect with those clients and send a card or a gift basket from your business.

2. Budget for extra holiday advertising. People can’t support you and purchase from you if they don’t know who you are! Christian business owners can get the word out through Mommy Bag Marketing. You can also purchase local newspaper ads and ad space on prominent websites. Don’t forget those free listings on Craigslist and Backpage.com!

3. Pay for a booth or two at some local craft shows. Make sure you give every attendee a giveaway of some sort! A flier with a piece of candy, a business card with a sample attached, etc.

4. Send out special Christmas cards to past, present and hopeful clients. Include an incentive or coupon of some sort to encourage a response.

5. Participate in an online gift guide. Many are already sold out this year, but make sure to keep this in mind for next year. 3 Gift Guides that I know of are: Mommy Perks, Living My Moment and Mommy Bag Marketing.

6. Sell Gift Certificates to your business, if possible. Add this info to your Christmas cards and send them out early.

7. Do you have a blog, a fan page and a twitter account? If not…now’s the time to start! Begin making connections and post about all the great products and services you offer. Make sure to be personable and connect on all social networks. No one wants to read a bunch of posts just about you. Interact and be real.

8. Offer a sale, a buy one/get one free, or offer to gift wrap any products you sell during the holidays.

9. Dress up your website and add some Christmas Décor. Link the Christmas graphics to your holiday sales and specials. Post on FB, Twitter and any other social networks you belong to. Add this link to your e-mail signature.

10. Create a newsletter and send to all of your e-mail contacts. Consider hosting a contest of some sort.

Until next time…

MariLee Parrish

Copyright © MariLee Parrish, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Coach Nicole of Foundational Gifts on October 29, 2010 at 8:24 am

    Thanks so much for the Backpage.com tip. I had never heard of them before!

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