Is it wrong for a Christian to get Plastic Surgery?

Before I begin, I want to make it clear that this is NOT going to become a mean spirited type of discussion. We are all sisters in Christ and we should act accordingly. If ANYONE posts a mean come back or has the profound need to force others to believe what they believe to the point of arguing, their comments will be deleted and never again approved on this site. So play NICE!

OK…on to the discussion part…

Is it wrong for a Christian to get Plastic Surgery? Examples: Breast implants, tummy tuck, eye lift, etc. Why or Why Not? Share your Thoughts…

I have always been curious about what other Christians think of this. Personally, I do not think there is anything wrong with it as long as your motives are pure. For example; if you want a boob job so you can gain the attention of men, then you may need to take this to God. However, if your breasts have suffered the gravitational pull to the point that you feel the need for a lift, well…LOL…who am I to judge. I certainly do not find anything wrong with that motive. I am also certain hubbie would not complain! LOL!

So, please share your thoughts on the topic in a respectful manner…

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  1. Lisa on October 11, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    In my opinion I think it’s ok for Christians to get plastic surgery as long as they aren’t doing because someone else wants then too. After having 3 kids in 4 yrs I’m saving up for a tummy tuck. I’m unhappy with the way my stomach looks and though my hubby tells me I’m beautiful I don’t think so. I don’t need to be skinnier I just need the saggy skin gone. So I am not against surgery as long as you thought and prayed hard about it first.

  2. Janele Holbrook on October 11, 2010 at 2:08 pm

    When I was 19 yrs. old, I was in a near fatal car accident, which left my R breast approx. 1 cup size smaller, due to a chest tube. One day, I hope to bring it up to the size of my L breast. It probably wouldn’t hurt to make them one cup size bigger also, because they have always been on the way smaller size (and I don’t think my husband would object). Maybe I would finally be able to fill out a bra, normally. Another thing I would like to have done is, have the extremely dark circles under my eyes disappear. The dark circles run in my mothers side of the family and I have had them ever since I can remember. I am very self-conciesce about them. It is my belief that the Lord would not have a problem with my desire concerning this. TC&GB

  3. April on October 11, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    I actually think it sends the wrong message for Christians to get plastic surgery. I am referring to plastic surgery that is simply done to make a person look better, not the type of surgery that is needed if a person is in pain or has some type of deformity. I am against plastic surgery for the sake of “looking better” as the primary motivator. I have given birth to four children in three years, the last pregnancy was twins. My body has been stretched out, and now bears the sags and stretch marks to prove it. I don’t necessarily think of these changes as battle scars, but I do think that this is the way God made me. I don’t think Jesus would have spent a dime on plastic surgery, no matter what the reason. I think He would encourage us to love others, love Him, and if we have the financial ability to get surgery just in the hopes of looking better, we would be better off giving that money to someone who really needs it. I have three daughters, and although I think I desperately need a boob job, since my breasts now resemble pancakes, I will not get one. I want my daughters to know that I am happy with the body God gave me; that is, the body God gave me before and after having children.

  4. StephanieL. on October 11, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    My Pastors wife had her breasts done when she was finished having children. She is a woman who is well adjusted and beautiful who felt self conscience about this one part of herself. She says having the surgery allowed her to no longer think about her chest as strange as that sounds. She likes how it turned out and is no longer self conscience but beyond that did not feel it has changed her in any respect. I had twins 10 months ago and my stomach is destroyed lol. I will certainly have my tummy tucked or my breasts lifted after I am all done having babies if I feel that it will allow me to get beyond the issue and focus on other things. It is nice to feel as though you look presentable and surgery can help you to do that. Any work I consider having done is for myself and my husband only. Just my opinion :)

  5. Christin on October 12, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    Well this is a good question all I know would be only God can judge people knowing what people’s thought about plastic surgery. With people do have some reasons why they had plastic surgery, for me I wouldn’t get plastic surgery for myself knowing it is part of God’s purpose why we are on earth and he have created us. I do have stretch marks on my stomach and it doesn’t bother me. My husband never stop saying how lucky he have a beautiful wife knowing what makes me feel good to hear that is something to remember that he loves me no matter what. God created me to be who I am. We are all his beautiful children and he loves us all on the earth too! Reason why I have said it is part of God’s purpose because he wants us all to learn accept people for who we are knowing I am deaf and I love myself which is most important to remember because God created you and he have wants to see is to love yourself as you love other people that is something he wants us to get along that is something we cannot understand why how we looked or for who people are which means it is part of his plans knowing we all are different and God is only one who can understand the most. My mom had a her breast reduce from a surgery because her back hurts all the time, after her surgery and she felt a lot better. Also, I had my spleen removed because it is enlargement and it is size of football which isn’t normal. After surgery, I felt a lot better and more energy. This is my favorite verse : Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5 that means he wants us lean on God is depends on him all the time because he do understand , he will help us though bad and good times also he will never leave us which means he will always with us. He really do care about us on the earth so much because Jesus have experienced his bad time how people treated and hurt him that is why God chosen him knowing he will share with us about God’s word, he died on the cross for us, our sins and how much he loves us!

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