The Daily – Strong Refuge when Trouble Comes

I am sure I do not need to tell any of my readers what an Awesome and Mighty God we serve. However, many times, we know in our minds that He is All-Powerful, yet we do not grab hold of that powerful Hand in times of trouble!

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him. – Nahum 1:7 (NLT)

Yes, the Lord IS GOOD! All the time! He loves us very much! He is good to us every day. In this goodness, He also offers us refuge.

Troubles are a part of life in this world. We cannot avoid them. However, we can take refuge in the One Who created all things. We can choose to trust Him. It says right there in His Word; “He is CLOSE to those who TRUST Him.” He is right there with arms wide open waiting for us to hide in them!

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. – Psalm 91:1 (Amplified)

Again, as with yesterday’s devotional, it is our job to dwell. We must put forth the effort and get our butts IN the secret place. We must choose to spend time with Daddy God and get to know Him intimately through His Word.

There are many promises in God’s Word. I want you to keep in mind though, with every promise, there is an action that must be done on our part. With the promise of refuge, comes the action of dwelling.

We must DWELL in the secret place. We must spend time with the Lord on a regular basis. I am not talking about a little dab will do you either. I am talking about dedication. Spending time with Him every day. Making HIM the main priority in our lives. We need to fall in Love with our Creator.

Then, when trouble comes, we will find our refuge in the arms of the Almighty!

Let’s Pray;

Daddy God, thank You for loving me and giving me a place to run to in times of trouble. Help me to remain in Your secret place. Help me to get to know you better and more intimately. Help me to trust You more. I love You, Daddy. You are kind, compassionate, loving, strong, able and available. I am so very thankful that You chose me to be your baby girl before the foundation of the earth! YOU are MY Strong Refuge! In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Look up the following words in your concordance and find encouraging Scriptures that remind you that GOD IS YOUR REFUGE in times of trouble.

  • refuge
  • strong tower
  • mighty God
  • protection/protect
  • deliverer
  • shelter
  • help

Now, I would like you to read the story of  when God saved the Israelites from the oppression of Egypt. It begins in Exodus 3. This is a GREAT reminder of how Mighty our God is.

Finally, ask God to help you seek Him more. Ask Him to show you areas in your life that are out of balance and to teach you to mange your time better. You see, if we are too busy for Daddy, then we are too busy.

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Angie Hott on February 2, 2011 at 10:46 am


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