The Daily – It Tends Only to Evildoing

The topic we are going to discuss today is one that I struggle with on a regular basis. Just when I think I have overcome my struggle with it, I find myself knee deep in it’s destructiveness. Thankfully, I have grown and my struggle is better than it was. However, I wish that it was something I no longer dealt with! It is my thorn in the flesh…my Achilles heel in life!

What is it?

Here is a hint…

Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not yourself–it tends only to evildoing. – Psalm 37:8 (amplified)

Did you guess?


After many years of struggle with it, I was able to pin point its origin in my life a few years back. I took a course that basically does a spiritual “deep cleaning.” I discovered it came from my childhood. I was not only raised in an angry environment, I had a mother who was consumed with anger and bitterness. Another thing that helped anger develop in my heart was the years of sexual abuse I endured as a child. Anyone who has been sexually abused has anger. Yes, I believe this with all  my heart. Why? Because someone stole something from them, hurt them deeply, and they were too small and weak to stop it. THAT can make you angry.

Most of my anger is left over from the sexual abuse. My heart struggles with it so deeply. I say things like: “NO one is going to hurt me like that again”…”I will not let anyone penetrate my force field of protection”…etc.

I am a very strong woman. I am happy to be strong, discerning and no nonsense. I am a fighter. Those are not bad things. However, I can also fly off the handle, become cold to others, harsh, too frank and abrupt. All of these traits are NOT good. Anger creeps at my door and only leads me to sin in it.

A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back. – Proverbs 29:11 (NKJV)

I love how God’s Word is like a two edged sword and pierces my heart with His loving conviction.

I do not want to be a fool. I want to develop temperance, love, patience and mercy in my heart more and more every day. For as I do, I overcome the anger within me. How can you be angry when you are loving, showing mercy, and being patient with someone? It makes it MUCH harder.

If you struggle with anger, there is hope in Daddy’s Word. His love letter to us offers many encouraging statements that are there to help us overcome our weakness. If anger is yours, bring it before His throne, ask Him to help you find the source. Once you find the source, it puts it all in perspective. It makes it easier to understand and pinpoint the trigger points. Then, seek guidance from His Word. Find Scriptures on anger and learn them inside and out. Speak them. Ask Him to help you abide in Him and let go of anger. HE WILL help you! He helps me every day!

Let’s Pray;

Daddy God,  please fill me with love, patience, mercy, forgiveness and temperance. Help me to overcome the hurts of the past and the seeds planted in me that must be pulled out at the root. Help me to see the situation unfold beforehand and learn to veer away from anger. I want to be rid of the sinful nature of anger. I want to be self controlled and abounding in love. Help me, Daddy. Guide me. Teach me. I love You and never want an angry word, or outburst to hurt someone or misrepresent YOU in any way. Give me strength to overcome this struggle in my life. Thank YOU! IN Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


First, take the time to read a very helpful and insightful article I wrote several years back on the topic of anger: A Mothers Battle

Also, I looked up a few verses on anger. Look them up, and take the time to check the references. Dig deeper and find even more that speak to YOUR personal situation. Study and find PEACE and COMFORT in God’s Word!

  • Ephesians 4:26,29,31
  • Romans 12:21
  • James 1:20
  • Proverbs 19:11
  • Proverbs 16:32
  • Psalm 103:8
  • Matthew 5:22
  • Colossians 3:8
  • Proverbs 14:17,29

Memorize: Do not be quick in spirit to be angry or vexed, for anger and vexation lodge in the bosom of fools. – Ecclesiastes 7:9 (amplified)

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Mir on March 14, 2011 at 4:10 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I have vowed to root out my anger for lent. I do not say give it up because I know it is so deep in my heart. I too was sexually abused-molested by a old man who was the wife of a lady who was supposedly babystitting me. My parents were also angry people. By God’s grace and healing I have been able to be a better parent to my children. I do not express my anger but it is still there. Sometimes it turns inward on me and causes depression. Sometimes it fills me with bitterness and such a negative outlook on people and life. I know God can help me he has done miraculous healings in other areas of my life. I will read all the scriptures you have here. I look forward to hearing what the Lord reveals to both of us.

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