Spring Cleaning the Easy Way

This is part 4 in our spring cleaning series. If you miss any of them, no worries, click here to see all of our spring cleaning articles.

Spring cleaning can be one of the most time consuming and overwhelming seasonal tasks. In fact, many people simply end up skipping it. Yet that means also missing out on the rewards of a thoroughly clean home. Much like New Year’s Resolutions, spring cleaning helps you get a clean slate.

5 strategies to help you tackle spring cleaning

1. Give it a time limit. Make a list of all the rooms, closets and spaces you need to clean. Estimate how much time you think it’ll take to get each space clean. For example, your pantry might take 40 minutes. When cleaning the space make sure you stick to the time limit.

When cleaning, it’s easy to get distracted. It’s easy to let the job take much longer than it should. When you set a time limit you’ll stay focused on the job. Remember to take breaks in between each space too. This will help you stay energetic and motivated.

2. Create a checklist. Checklists help you stay focused. You can simply go down the list, check tasks off and finish your spring cleaning quickly and efficiently.

3. Spread it out. Rather than tackle cleaning your entire home in a day or a weekend, spread it out. Tackle on big job each weekend. Tackle smaller jobs during the week. For example, spring cleaning your kitchen is a big job. Schedule it on the weekend. Cleaning your coat closet shouldn’t take more than an hour. It’s something you can do in an evening.

4. Gather supplies first. Before you clean any space in your home, gather all the supplies you’ll need. Consider getting a tote box for cleaning supplies. Assign a tote box for each space. For example, your bathroom will have a designated cleaning supplies box. Your kitchen will have another. In addition to the cleaning products you will also need tools.

For example, you might want a used toothbrush to clean the grout from your shower tile. Collecting the supplies before you clean means you won’t have to stop in the middle of a task to hunt down the necessary equipment.

5. Create a system. Systems ensure an efficient process. One efficient system to consider is grouping like tasks. For example, when you’re vacuuming the carpets, also vacuum the air vents, the corners of the ceiling and the blinds or window treatments. It saves time and energy.

Getting Rid Of the Clutter

Clutter has a way of taking over a home. If you don’t address it and create systems to keep it controlled, it can become overwhelming. We have some tips to help you gain control!

5 tips to help get rid of the clutter.

1. Start fresh using the four container method. The four container method helps you clean any room and eliminate clutter. Start with an easy task like a closet. Create four containers. Label them: “keep”, “toss,” “donate,” and “sell.”

If you’re not interested in having a garage sale or consignment then use a three container system and eliminate “sell.” Make sure you have a place to put everything you keep.

2. Tiered system. A tiered system is a good way to organize rooms. It embraces the concept that the only thing that should be in sight are things you need often.

For example, in your living room you might need to keep the television remotes handy. Other things like DVDs can be second tier items which can be in a cabinet.

Use a three tier system. First tier items should be within arm’s reach. Second tier items can be in the same room but in organized cabinets or drawers. Third tier items are items you don’t need often.

For example, the warranty on your television or the operating instructions. These items don’t have to be in your living room. You can store them in a file cabinet in your home office or basement closet.

3. Assign labels. When organizing items, use labels. Label by category, date, or item. Use labels in your closet, refrigerator/freezer, pantry, and of course in your home office files. Make sure your family understands the labels and puts things where they belong.

4. Catch all boxes. Create boxes or baskets for each room. Use the baskets to collect items that don’t belong in that room. For example, if you find a pair of socks or a book in the living room they can go in the basket. Each night clean out the basket and put things where they belong. This prevents clutter from accumulating.

5. Rituals. Finally, consider creating cleaning rituals. For example, make your bed in the morning. Clean the kitchen before you go to bed. Put things away after you use them. And of course encourage others in your home to do the same. When everything has a place and that place is easily recognizable then it’s easy to make sure clutter doesn’t accumulate.

Getting rid of the clutter is only one step in the spring cleaning system. Once it is gone, create good habits to keep it clean. Label storage areas. Create storage systems that make sense. Don’t buy more unless you’re willing to get rid of more. Make sure that everyone in your home is on board with your clutter elimination plan. To your clutter free success!

The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. – Proverbs 13:4 (NKJV)

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be an overwhelming job. With a few simple strategies you can enjoy the benefits of spring cleaning without the stress and anxiety. Find the strategies that work for you and create a workable plan. Seek God and ask Him for help and diligence. He will help us when we call to Him…even for cleaning! Order and balance are signs of obedient living!


  1. Safety Girl on March 11, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Excellent tip about creating the checklist for your cleaning process. It’s very helpful to have a list handy that you can simply run down and check off as you accomplish each task. I find without a list I never get anything done. Cleaning is a chore for most of us, and having the list allows us to get things done while feeling like we are accomplishing something as well as moving toward the finish line!

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