Why Bother with Spring Cleaning?

Well, ladies, it is almost here. The cold dry months of winter are coming to an end and the newness of spring is on it’s way. This is a great time to bring some “newness” to the clutter in our lives! Let’s bring honor to the Lord while getting our house in order. It is a great way to show Him how much we appreciate His blessing!

Over the next few weeks, I will be posting articles that will help us all in our spring cleaning endeavors!

7 Reasons we should be Spring Cleaning

1. You have a clean home from the inside out. There’s nothing better than having a home that’s clean and free from all the dust and clutter of the winter. Like New Year’s Day or a birthday, it’s an opportunity to start fresh.

2. You will know where everything is. When you go through each room, space, nook and cranny of your home you are able to take an inventory. You’re able to put things where they belong. You’re able to get rid of the things you no longer use. You can add space, light, and organization to your home. In fact, don’t be surprised if you find things you’d forgotten about or thought you’d lost.

3. Better health – free from mold, mildew, dust and bugs. When the windows are closed all winter long your home doesn’t have the opportunity to air out. Many scientists and environmental experts will tell you that the pollution inside your home is often much worse than outdoor air pollution. When you take the time to clean your home of mildew, dust, bugs and mold you’re improving your health. Not only is it healthy for you and the fam, it is also beneficial for your pets. Quick Tip: open those windows and enjoy some good old fashioned spring cleaning.

4. You will get rid of clutter. Clutter is stressful. It collects and gathers dust. It prevents you from being relaxed and productive. Spring cleaning helps you eliminate the clutter. You’re able to get rid of what you don’t need and focus your time, energy and attention on the items that matter.

5. Appliances last longer. Clean appliances last longer. Spring cleaning often involves a thorough appliance cleaning. You’ll save money in the long run because you won’t have to have your appliances serviced or replaced.

6. You show Daddy God how much you appreciate what He has blessed you with. When you clean your home from top to bottom it shows that you care. You’re able to look at what you have and take good care of it. This energy and attention helps you appreciate what you have. It is a great way to show good stewardship with one of the many blessings God provides!

7. It just feels good. Finally, it just feels great to have a clean, organized and efficient home. You can then focus your attention on the things that matter most in your life. Your family, your friends and your interests or hobbies.

Let’s walk into spring better Mothers, better examples, thankful, organized and with willing hearts in every area…especially spiritually!

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. – Philippians 2:14-15 (NLT)

Quick Tip: when you’re planning your spring cleaning consider what you have to gain. It may change your attitude toward spring cleaning. In fact, this may be your best year ever.

OK, Mommas, let’s get er done!


  1. lucky girl on March 2, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    I started my spring cleaning last weekend and I have to admit it feels so nice to walk into my office and not have all the clutter!! This weekend is the kitchen!!

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