Adversity Minus the Negativity

“Beloved do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.” – 1 Peter 4:12

Our troubles don’t disappear when we become followers of Christ, in fact they often intensify. Christ suffered and so will his children. Soldiers of Christ battle an endless warfare that’s waged on their spirituality. The question isn’t if we’ll experience hardship it is when we experience hardship how will we handle it? In James 1:2-4 were told adversity has its purpose. James says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Adversity tests the very core of our faith. You have to believe God is working on your behalf regardless of the severity of your situation. Adversity teaches us to rely on God and have complete faith in his promise to us.

The adversity you encounter in a divorce is enough to bring you to your knees. Your test is to trust God to restore your family. Your thought process during this time has a huge impact on how you’ll move forward. Surrendering to stinking thinking is tempting. Don’t give into it think above your circumstances. View your trials as a way to mature in your walk with Christ and rebuild your family’s spiritual foundation. Every trial you endure is strengthening your faith and developing your perseverance. Adversity isn’t a pleasant part of our journey, but it’s necessary. How you handle adversity makes a huge difference on how you’ll come through it on the other end. The next time you’re faced with an adverse situation try these tips.

Managing Adversity Effectively

Evaluate the Issue- Take a step back and realistically evaluate the problem. What are your biggest concerns? Are your fears blown out of proportion? What responsibility do you take for the issue? Are you holding yourself accountable for your actions?You can’t change anyone, but you can change yourself.

Adjust Your Thoughts- Do you associate negative thoughts or emotions with the hardship you’re enduring? Start by adjusting your thoughts from being toxic to being set on God. Don’t attach any specific emotion to your trial. Instead of automatically attributing negative thoughts to your circumstances, think about the lesson God is trying to teach you. Envision the outcome you desire and the steps you’ll need to take to achieve it.

Study the Scriptures- The scriptures arms us with knowledge, encouragement and guidance. Remember it is our blueprint for life. Many of the answers we seek lie within the pages of the Bible. Face adversity with the truth of the scriptures under your belt and apply it to your circumstance.

Hand Your Burden Over to God- No problem is bigger than our sovereign God. Hand your burdens over to him. Ask the Lord to remove the issue from your life or instruct you on how to handle it. Then wait on God to act and don’t take it upon yourself to act out of your own will or flesh.

Mature Through Adversity- Christ faced ridicule, pain and adversity and he never once complained. His thoughts were fixed on his heavenly father and his bigger purpose. Just as Christ did we must set our sights on the bigger picture and look beyond the problem. Choose to let adversity work for your greater good. Let your trials strengthen your faith and teach you to persevere so you can become complete and mature. Then our trials will become our crown of glory.

Refuse to allow adversity to lead you in a downward spiral. Every hardship we endure is an opportunity to learn valuable life lessons, develop perseverance and patience, practice empathy, exhibit courage, and strengthen our faithful walk with God.

Copyright © Chere Williams, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Angie Hott on June 7, 2011 at 11:32 am

    Thank you for such an insightful post! Your biblical explaination of adversity has helped me so much this morning. I especially liked your talk on perserverance. In the midst of “some strange things happening” recently, your managing adversity tips are an excellent tool for all situations!
    love, a

  2. Chere on June 8, 2011 at 9:40 am

    I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it! I actually follow your blog! Storms are always brewing and it is so important to be able to deal with adversity without getting swallowed up by it. Have a blessed day!!

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