Letters To Your Child

Have you ever written letters to your child? This is another good way to keep track of your child’s milestones. If scrap booking or keeping an updated baby book is difficult to maintain then writing letters to your child may be a better solution.

How updated is your child’s baby book? And if you have more than one child, how many empty spaces do you see in the book? Do you have information age gaps? How about lack of photos of the different ages? Have you ever looked back to see what your child did at age six and were not able to locate any information? Unfortunately, it does happen and we wished we had written them down. It’s too late now and we can’t retrieve those lost and precious memories.

Writing letters to your child doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. We know the first year of a child’s life is ever so changing so you may want to write every week or every two weeks. You can jot down things your baby did and then use the notes to compose a letter. As your child gets older, you can write to them every month, twice a year or every year. Some people choose their child’s birthday as a time to write a letter and tell them all the things they have accomplished and learned in that year.

You can also include your thoughts, your conversations with your child, your favorite vacation time together, what your both learned, or your hopes and dreams for them. Whatever you want to share with your child, write it down.

The letters to your child is a wonderful keepsake and they’ll cherish them when they are much older. Don’t forget to keep copies for yourself for when you want to relive and reminisce the growing up years of your child.

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  1. Court on June 17, 2011 at 11:56 pm

    What a good reminder this is. I started off writing my daughter letters but when my son came it was all I could do to keep them fed, clothed and bathed. I certainly want the history of what God is doing right now in my life to be shared with both of my kids.

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