Appreciate The Season Your In

I can’t believe summer is almost over, but I’m excited for the arrival of autumn and the coziness it brings. Seasons come and go so quickly don’t they? Just like the seasons in our life. Sometimes the seasons are pleasant and sometimes they are cold and harsh leaving us running for refuge. No matter what season we’re in they are for a reason and a time. Our summer has been brutal, but we can’t rush through it, instead we have to sweat through the 95 degree temperatures while nature takes its course. Summer will pass and comfortable temperatures will arrive, but there isn’t a thing we can do about how quickly a season ends or begins. The different seasons in our life requires us to do the same.

I’ve come to understand that the seasons in my life are wonderful teachers. I may welcome them with open arms, and may down right despise them, but in the end I always come out of it with a different perspective, a new lesson learned, and I grow stronger in my faith, perseverance, and resolve. The seasons teach me things about my life that are valuable and necessary for my grow in God’s purpose for me. There are times I’ve cried out to the Lord and asked why I had to endure such a painful situation. Did I get the answer? Sometimes I did and sometimes it was the answer I wanted to hear. The difficult season wasn’t to punish me, but for my maturation. God was and continues to groom me in life’s seasons. He’s teaching me to have faith and completely depend on him for my every need. Spiritually I’m growing and its a process! I’m currently going through a season where I’m having a hard time holding my tongue in a situation that is completely unfair. Sure I vent to my closest friends, but I’m handling the situation differently. Instead of taking matters in my own hands I’m learning how to let God handle it. Can I tell you how much lighter I feel when I hand it over to Him!

Whatever season you are in your life, be confident of this, it too shall pass. However, not before God has worked in you and you’ve learned the lesson needed to further your walk with Christ. God is so good, no matter what hardship we’re facing God is beside us, guiding us, and lighting our path. He knows exactly how much we can handle and will never give us more than that. Appreciate the season you’re in, you don’t have to like it, but appreciate it for the nuggets of wisdom it leaves you with when God decides to deliver you from it. Understand that these are the seasons that make up your life, form your character, and leave you a stronger person. Be patient as you endure its unpredictability. Sit in it with your eyes wide open and experience all the extremes the seasons of life brings you. Remember after each season their is a rebirth, an awakening a new understanding of who you are and where God is leading you. So as you begin to bid adieu to summer and say hello to fall, examine the season you’re in and learn to appreciate it for what it is, a gift from God.

Copyright © Chere Williams, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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