Faith and Business 101: Tips to Motivate your Direct Sales Team

How successful is your Direct Sales business if you have a huge downline that doesn’t do anything? It’s not successful at all and it comes down to you as the upline, sponsor and leader to lead the way.

Here are some tips to motivate your Direct Sales team to be more successful and to help them build their business.

Be Excited and Inspiring

They say laughter is contagious, so if you’re not excited about your business, why should your downline be? Set an example and get your team members excited too. Be an inspiration, share true stories and show them how they can make their business a success too.

Regular Team Meetings

You can use chat rooms, private forum, Facebook group to hold bi-weekly or monthly meetings. You can use this time to brainstorm, bounce off ideas to each other, answer questions and see what others are doing.

Send Newsletters

Newsletters can be sent out bi-weekly or monthly with helpful tips, tools, recommended books to read, tutorials and anything that you think will inspire and motivate your team members.

Motivation Quotes

You can send daily motivational quotes via email or you can add your own tip for your downline to implement into their business.

Have a Private Blog

Where your team can find training materials, tools, resources, archived conference calls, podcasts, newsletters, ebooks etc.

Support and Communication

Be involved. Your support is extremely important to your team members. This is especially helpful for new recruits and it will benefit everyone in the long run. Have training materials on hand, develop a training plan and communicate with them often either via email, phone or skype.

Clear communication is of the utmost importance. If you can’t convey a message then it makes it difficult for your downline to understand you and the whole process is ineffective. Your members will look at you as being disorganized or simply a poor communicator.

Rewards and Incentives

People like recognition and it’s nice to be acknowledged when you have reached a milestone or a goal. When you’re rewarded for your efforts, it’s natural to keep wanting to do better. Offer exciting incentives to get your team motivated.

Set Achievable Goals

You can help your team members by setting achievable goals. You can do this for your entire team or customize it to an individual or group. Again, offer a reward to reaching this goal.

Have a Virtual Party

Usually people have a party because they’re celebrating something. Why not have online parties, say twice a year? Get to know your members on a personal level and leave the business aspect of it for your team meetings. This is a time to have fun and get to know your team members. Throw in some prizes and work on building personal relationships.

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