Fall Activities For The Whole Family

Depending on where you live, you’ll welcome fall with its cool and crisp air after a hot summer. It’s a nice change. Unfortunately, it’s also a wet season in many places, but that shouldn’t stop you and your family from enjoying autumn wherever you live.

If you live in a place where you have four distinct seasons, you’re lucky. You get to see the beautiful colors of the leaves changing and hear the crunching sounds of leaves under your feet as you walk through the streets.

Activities you can do with your family this fall

  • Raking isn’t really a fun activity to do, but if you have kids, you know they like to jump into a pile of leaves or throw them up in the air. This is a good time to gather some different color leaves to use for crafts and for other decorating ideas.
  •  Go for a walk. It’s refreshing when the weather is brisk. On a beautiful sunny day, you’ll notice how alive the fall colors are. Bring your camera and take some photos of the scenery. Family or kids photos in a natural setting are gorgeous and it’ll warm up your home. The photos would be great to send to out-of-town relatives too. On another note, the photos can be used for a number of things such as place card settings, greeting cards etc.
  •  Don’t forget to collect pine-cones, acorns, and leaves etc. on your walk if you want to use them for crafts.
  •  If you love to cook or bake, go to your local farmer’s market and buy your fall fruits and vegetables. You and your family can also go to events with a farmer’s market. You can explore and enjoy what they have and even try some tasty foods.
  •  Go for a bike ride or a drive and enjoy a fall picnic. Bring some hot chocolate for the kids; you and your spouse may like a pumpkin spice latte or hot apple cider. Bring some baked goods made with a variety of autumn fruits or vegetables like pumpkin, apples, pears, dried cranberries, grapes, oranges etc.
  •  Enjoy a family hike. Stay comfortable by wearing layers. This way if you get too warm, you can shed the outer layers without getting too chilled. Start early in the day because the days are getting shorter. Depend on where you’re hiking go prepared and carry a knapsack with food, water, sunglasses, sunscreen and small first aid kit.
  •  Take in the smells, look for different insects and birds, and just enjoy the outdoors.

There are many more activities you can enjoy during the fall season with your family.

What fall activities do you enjoy with your family where you live?

Copyright © Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. WICK on October 18, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    We’re living in a new place this fall, so we recently discovered acorns! Literally, hundreds upon hundreds of them! I’ve offered a penny for each one collected, and I think I may try to cash in on my own offer….hehe. :)

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