Getting Ready For Christmas

Who’s ready for Christmas? If you haven’t started, it’s time to do some serious planning and take action. Here are some tips to get you moving in the right direction so that when the holiday draws closer you’re not freaking out or stressed.

Tips to Help You Get Ready for Christmas


I know you’re giving gifts, so you have a choice of wrapping paper or gift bags. Last year would have been an awesome time to stock up on gift wrapping paper when they were on sale. You can always re-use gift bags and I’m sure you probably have some of those kicking around your house. You don’t have to spend a lot on them as you can find them in the dollar stores.

Keep in mind when you’re buying gifts that they are easy to wrap. Something that is square is a lot easier to wrap than something that comes in an octagonal shape. If the gift comes in a nice packaging then all you need to do is add a festive bow or some colorful curly ribbons.

Name Tags

Have you ever had a present under the tree with no name on it? It does happen when you’re busy wrapping gifts in the wee hours of the night. If you don’t have name tags left over from last year, you can make them yourself. Name tags don’t have to be fancy as long as there’s a name to a gift. If you’re making your own gift tags and you’re using your printer make sure your printer has ink.

Scotch Tape

A must have item in the house no matter what. You can never have too many. Even though if you ever run out, there’s always glue sticks and not that I know anyone who ever had to use a glue stick to wrap gifts.


Make sure you have batteries for the digital camera and if you have rechargeable ones, make sure they are fully charged and always carry extras.


Always have chocolates at home. Getting stressed and eating chocolate can make life a bit easier to deal with. All kidding aside, who doesn’t like to receive a box of chocolates? They are great to have when you have company over and it’s a nice to have for those times when you need to bring something over to someone’s house. If you like candy canes, those are great too and can be used for decorations, desserts etc.

Snack Foods

Like chocolates, they’re great to have around the holidays. Shop for your nuts, cheeses, chips, crackers and other snack foods early so you don’t have to do last minute shopping.

Storage Containers

Make sure you have enough storage containers for when you’re prepping food or for leftovers.

Cleaning Items

If you’re doing a lot of entertaining this holiday season, you’ll need to have some cleaning items that will make the clean up job quick and easy. Have a spray bottle filled with water, vinegar and lemon juice for quick countertop cleaning and sanitizing. You can also spray hydrogen peroxide with or mixed without water on hard surfaces to kill bacteria. Baking soda is an excellent deodorizer to use in the refrigerator. Don’t forget your paper towels for quickly cleaning up big and little messes.

How do you prepare for Christmas? Do you have any tips to share??

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