10 Ways to Surprise Mom with a Restaurant.com Gift Card

Eating out is one of my favorite things to do. I am pretty sure I am not the only Mom who loves to go out and eat. It means no clean up and no work preparing. What better Mother’s Day gift than a Restaurant.com gift card?? Mom can go out and eat when she feels like it! Maybe one night when she is feeling burnt out…or maybe when she just wants to go have a girls night out with other Mommas!

Below are a few ways that you can be creative in giving Mom a Restaurant.com gift card This Mother’s Day:

1. Place it in a pretty bouquet of flowers.

2. Send it to her in the mail with a homemade card from the grand kids.

3. Buy her some of her favorite hobby supplies and put them in a basket with the gift card.

4. Wrap it up in several wrapped boxes and make her open each to get to the final awesome destination…OUT TO EAT!

5. Stick it to her coffee mug.

6. Place it in the utensil drawer in her kitchen.

7. Bake her some yummy treats and put them in a pretty basket with the card.

8. Buy her a book from one of her favorite authors and place it in the book.

9. Just hand it to her. (LOL!)

10. Create a fun and easy scavenger hunt for her to find it!

Whichever way you choose to give Mom a Restaurant.com gift card this Mother’s Day, I am certain she will  love it, and I am sure that she will appreciate it more than you know!

Note: Restaurant.com Gift Cards are available as e-Gift Cards for last-minute shoppers in denominations of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250 and $500.

Disclosure: I will receive a Restaurant.com gift card for writing this post. However, the opinions I share are solely my own.

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. sarah snyder on May 20, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    I am saving this one …And thought you might want to know that my husband used some of these ideas!!! I was blessed and now I will save this for years to come…..They are all good ideas,enjoyed mother’s day…Thank you~

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