Signs and Prevention of Heart Disease in Women

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US. Not far behind, the third leading cause of death is a stroke. Every 90 seconds there’s a woman in the US suffering a heart attack. It’s alarming to say the least.

Women are less likely to seek immediate attention than men because they aren’t aware of the heart attack symptoms. While there are common signs, not all women experience or have them which may result in a fatal outcome.

Here are common heart attack symptoms found in both men and women:

1. Chest pains, discomfort or a sense of heaviness in the center or left side of the chest. The pain may come and go. It may feel like squeezing or heavy pressure. It’s sometimes mistaken for heartburn or indigestion.

2. Women may feel pain in the back, neck and jaw area. These symptoms are more common in women than men. There may also be discomfort or pain in one or both arms, shoulder or above the stomach.

3. Shortness of breath can happen even when you’re resting. It may come with chest pains or it may be the only symptom.

4. Breaking out in a cold sweat that is not related to menopause is a sign a woman could be having a heart attack.

5. Unusual or sudden fatigue, feeling of weakness or muscle fatigue not caused by exercise is another common heart attack symptom in women. This may last for a few days.

6. You may feel light-headed or experience dizziness.

7. Nausea or vomiting is another heart attack symptom experienced by women that should be taken seriously. If it comes on suddenly without explanation, it could mean a heart attack is about to happen.

To reduce a woman’s risk of developing heart disease, these risk factors can be prevented.

1. Cholesterol can be controlled by maintaining your good (HDL) and bad (LDL) levels. Bad LDL levels create plaque in your arteries.

2. Keep your blood pressure at normal levels.

3. Don’t smoke. Within 20 minutes of not smoking, a smoker’s heart rate would drop back down to normal. Nicotine raises blood pressure and smoking causes the blood to thicken thus creating more clots.

4. Maintain a healthy weight.

5. Avoid drinking too much alcohol.

6. Control or prevent diabetes.

7. Exercise daily.

8. Seek medical help for depression or anxiety.

9. Control your stress levels.

10. Discuss with your doctor if you’re on hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms. You may want to take the lowest dosage or seek holistic treatments.

The best ways to prevent heart disease, heart attacks and strokes is recognizing the symptoms and seek treatment immediately. Have respect for yourself and your body and treat it kindly by not smoking and being unhealthy. Take care of you inside and out and you’ll a live a healthier and longer life.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge… – Hosea 4:6a

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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