Twisted Holidays

I just  read a blog post that really got me thinking. It was about the fact that a site that promotes affairs (for women) gets a huge boost in numbers immediately after Mother’s Day. Ouch. The author went on to talk about the fact that women so often twist Mother’s Day to being about themselves as Mother’s–rather than their OWN mothers.

Why is it that holidays and special days so often and so easily result in disappointment and upsetting days? I think that our sin nature-aided on by our Me, Myself, and I culture affect our thinking and result in us having hyped up viewpoints of what we deserve and what should happen. Then when things don’t play out the way we think they should we end up upset, and feeling left down. Believe me…I’m pointing four fingers right back at myself because I have had this play out in my own life more than once!

But why should Mother’s Day be what being a Mom is all about? Would it just make sense that the kids would fight, the coffee would spill, that you’d be tired and you might get into a disagreement with your hubby? Because really–that’s what being a Mom is all about. Those tiring, hard, and exhausting moments mixed in with the thrill of a baby kiss–the laughter of funny statement out of the mouth of your four year old and the work that goes into a happy and healthy marriage.

So if you had a “regular day” for Mother’s Day–be happy! Be thankful that the day was a celebration of all that Motherhood truly is. Then turn around and give your Mom a huge thank you for all those days–and Mother’s Days–that she put the time, effort, and love into when you were small. Hopefully one day your own children will be able to do the same for you!

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Phil 2:3

Copyright © Nicole Elliott, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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