Slow Start Monday Prayer

Lord, even though I am not feeling very thankful this morning, I want to thank You for another beautiful Monday. You would think the first day of a new week would be something to look forward to. Unfortunately, that is not the case–at least today. I am not feeling very excited this morning. It is a very slow starting Monday for me, and I am soooo tired. However, I am thankful that You have blessed me with another day and another chance to shine for You. Help me to perk up and remember all the many reasons I have to be happy about. I am so thankful for You and for the Love and Mercy You show me every minute of every day–especially Mondays. Thank You for my family, my health, my family’s health, clean water to drink, food to eat and money to have internet service to share this prayer! Thank You for coffee, Lord…thank YOU! Thank You for the little things today and thank You for helping me drag myself out of bed today! I love You, Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


  1. Danielle Swager on August 17, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    I look forward to these prayers every week. I spend so much time on this website that I have to control my time because I can spend at least 2 hours on here. Thank you for letting God use you! =) You help many women!

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