50 Random Acts of Kindness

Do you remember the last time you held the door open for someone? Yep, I bet you do that a lot without giving it a second thought. Or how about the time someone gave you a coupon they didn’t need? These are random acts of kindness. It’s a selfless action performed by someone to make another person’s day brighter. There are many things people do on a regular basis for others and don’t realize it’s a random act of kindness.

This week (November 12th-18th) is “World Kindness Week”, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to these dates to show kindness to others. Make someone’s day a better day with these 50 ways.

Note: scroll down for a printable version.

50 Random Acts of Kindness

1. Buy a homeless person a cup of coffee, food or make some care packs to give to some homeless people
2. Drop off a gift for a child in the hospital
3. Help an elder cross the street
4. Help someone who’s carrying a lot of things
5. Pay for someone’s coffee
6. Help a neighbor buy her grocery
7. Do someone’s yard work – raking, mowing, shoveling snow, trim the hedge etc.
8. Share your home grown veggies with your neighbors
9. Pay for a stranger’s meal in a restaurant
10. Pay for someone’s transit fare
11. Donate blood
12. Buy some dog or cat food and bring it to the animal shelter
13. Add money to someone’s parking meter that’s almost expiring
14. Donate your hair to kids with cancer
15. Cook someone a home cooked meal and take it their home
16. Offer to baby sit their kids so the parents can have a night out
17. Be nice to a sales clerk when she’s having a bad day
18. Smile at people more often
19. Sponsor a child for Christmas
20. Let someone go ahead of you in a line up
21. Knit a pair of booties for a newborn at the hospital
22. Comfort someone who is visibly upset
23. Take a friend out for lunch
24. Help a competitor with a project
25. Write a letter of recommendation for a friend who’s looking for a job
26. Help someone take their grocery to their car and help them unload it
27. Buy a book or magazine for a friend who’s been wanting it
28. Send a gift card to your accountant, doctor, librarian or barista, etc.
29. Leave a kind note in a library book or give someone a kind note
30. Give someone who needs it a hug
31. Leave your extra change at the bus stop
32. Send flowers to a patient in a burn unit
33. Tell a stranger she’s beautiful
34. Take some home baked goods to the fire station or police station
35. Send an inspirational or funny note to a friend
36. Post a positive comment on someone’s blog
37. Give someone a phone card
38. When there’s time left on your parking pass, give it to someone
39. Be polite online
40. Leave a generous tip
41. Give out more compliments
42. Leave change in a vending machine
43. Leave a bag of refundable bottles on the curb side
44. Pick up garbage at the beach, park, etc.
45. Pay for gas in a friend’s car
46. Bring chicken soup and a meal for a family member or friend who is sick
47. Become an organ donor
48. Clean graffiti
49. Offer your seat on the bus to anyone and not just a senior
50. Share the savings, coupons etc. you find online with others

I hope that these tips inspire you to show kindness to those around you! Please feel free to share your own random acts of kindness ideas below…

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved

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  1. SilvaMom on December 2, 2012 at 4:14 am

    Number 20 just made me laugh! I think I read it wrong. I pictured a police line up “No, no…after you…I insist.”

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