33 Ways to Show Love to Your Kids

Saying, “I love you” to your kids may not be enough. They may know that you love them, but sometimes your actions may say otherwise. As adults we need to feel loved and appreciated; kids are no different. To make your kids feel important and understood, here are 33 ways to show how much you love them.

33 Ways to Show Love to Your Kids

1. I Love You. Yes, those three little words. Say it every day with a hug and a kiss.

2. Spend individual time if you have more than one child. Give your child a nickname only you both know to make them feel special.

3. Have a date night to enjoy together without distractions and interruptions.

4. Praise your kids often. Too many times kids hear negative things from parents and not enough good things. It builds their self-esteem and confidence.

5. Celebrate accomplishments daily. Little things matter too not just the big accomplishments.

6. Talk positively to your kids. Don’t talk down to them and don’t dumb it down.

7. Share stories with them about what they did when they were younger and how it made you feel. Share the funny things they said when they were younger.

8. Having a genuine interest in their friends and what they enjoy doing will go a long way. When was the last time your child’s friend called you a “cool mom” and wished their mom was like you?

9. Be present when your child talks to you. Make eye contact, stop what you’re doing and really pay attention to what they are saying.

10. Ask for their input and don’t brush it off if you don’t like it. Go deeper and extend the conversation. Let them know you value their opinion.

11. For older kids, allow them to make their own decisions and for younger kids, give them options, but assure them you’re there to help and support them.

12. Allow them to be kids. Let them have a dirty face; let them act goofy and wear their pajamas all day.

13. Bend the rules. They have to follow rules at school and in church. Be flexible and let them have some fun.

14. Help them with a homework project. You’re not doing the work for them. You can help them glue, cut, paste etc.

15. Leave random sweet notes in their back pack, lunch bag, or in their room. Pack a special snack in their lunch.

16. Hug them often.

17. Kiss them often. This may embarrass your teen kids, so don’t do it in front of their friends.

18. Do things for them even when they can do it themselves.

19. From time to time, serve them breakfast in bed.

20. Give lasting gifts; things they will cherish as a keepsake.

21. Set up a special savings bank account. One they can use when they are much older.

22. Display their handmade gifts around your home or in special cases or frames.

23. Let them hear you brag about them to friends and to acquaintances.

24. Accept compliments your child gets from others without adding negatives. Some people don’t know how to react when their child gets a compliment. Add your 2 cents worth and be proud of your child.

25. Reverse the order of dinner. Have dessert first.

26. Have your child’s back. Protect them.

27. Be a great cheerleader and cheer loudly for them without embarrassing them at their games.

28. Support their dreams. It may not be want you want for them, but it’s important for you to encourage them and allow them to be who they want to be.

29. Cuddle with your kids. They are never too old.

30. When you show respect to your kids, they will respect you back.

31. Pick your child up from school and take them to lunch or surprise them with an afternoon treat. Wake them up in the middle of the night for a special treat in the kitchen.

32. Once a day, send them a loving text message.

33. Give them a card with money or gift certificate for no reason.

Copyright © Lara Velez, Moms of Faith, All Rights Reserved


  1. Beth on March 13, 2014 at 5:19 pm

    This has been a big goal of mine this year … 4. Praise your kids often. … I am noticing the difference! Great list!

  2. Chelle @ oh just stop already on March 13, 2014 at 7:13 pm

    #3 is my favorite to do with each of the kids. It gives us time to catch up and each one feels special undivided attention with mom or dad.

  3. Chelsea @ Gal on a Mission on March 13, 2014 at 7:33 pm

    This is such a great list!! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Jenn on March 13, 2014 at 8:05 pm

    I need to remember to praise more often.

  5. Digna D. on March 13, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    Very good reminders of things we should all be doing. Thank you!!!

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