20 Black Friday Shopping Tips

If you are one of the many people who go shopping on Black Friday, there are a few things to keep in mind that will make your experience safer, less stressful, more fun and hopefully successful…

20 Tips for Shopping on Black Friday

1. Plan Ahead. Have a budget and a list! Make sure that you are prepared and have already looked through the sales papers and know what you want and where it is.

2. Map it. Decide what the best routes are to get to where you are going so that you get there faster. I recommend back roads since main thoroughfares will be filled with traffic.

3. Leave the Kids Home. Unfortunately, there are nutty people out there and this shopping day can be unsafe for even adults in some cases. Leave the kids at home for their safety and your sanity!

4. Eat on the Go. Eat a good breakfast at home and pack a lunch/snacks for your shopping trip. This will save you time, tummy aches and prevent additional spending.

5. If you must “camp out”… be safe! Bring a taser and/or mace and never go alone. Have your fully charged cell phone too, and make sure that the place you will be at is well lit. Otherwise just forget it. NO sale is worth being harmed in any way!

6. Think before you Buy. Ask yourself if it is really worth it. Do you need it? Will you use it? Will it be worth the money? Stick to your budget. Only buy what you will need, use or what will be a good gift WITHIN your budget for others.

7. Cyber Money. Forget the craziness and just wait for Cyber Monday and shop Online! :)

8. Compare. Make sure you pay attention to what different stores are doing with their sales and compare what will be better for you. Maybe saving $10 is not better than a freebie with purchase for you. Go with what will be best for you.

9. Bring the ads. Take them with you so that you do not get confused as to what, where and how much.

10.Cash. Do not charge Christmas gifts…or any material item for that matter. If you cannot afford it–maybe you should not buy it!

11. Coupons. Look for coupons that may make the deal(s) even sweeter!

12. Wait! If you do not see a deal that is good enough for your budget. Do not buy! A better deal may come or maybe it just was not meant to be…

13. Take advantage of Social Networking. Some stores may offer a special ONLY for Foursquare users or Facebook followers…etc. Pay attention and be sure to USE technology and social networks to your advantage! I know I’ll be “checking in” and paying attention! ;)

14. Time it! Make sure you check for when stores open and when certain parts of sales end for the day. For instance, some stores have door busters and limited time sales until Noon on Black Friday. Plan your trip accordingly!

15. Dress Comfortably. Make sure you can move around. Do not wear pumps for this trip! Wear comfy clothes and shoes.

16. Work Together. Teamwork is vital if you can manage it. If you shop with a friend or spouse, have them take care of one item on your list and you take care of the other. Make sure you do the same in return! Working together will get the job done faster and limit missing out on deals for all involved!

17. Relax! Nothing…absolutely nothing is worth stressing over when it comes to shopping. If you were meant to have it, you will. Do not put so much focus on getting a deal that you stress, are rude or lose your mind.

18. Get your receipt! You never know if you will need to return it. In all the craziness, do not forget to get a receipt–AND a gift receipt if the item is for someone else.

19. Return Policies. know them BEFORE you buy and make sure that you are OK with them.

20. Stay Focused. Do not get distracted by alluring signs and those around you. Stick to your list and budget.

I hope these tips help your Black Friday shopping experience be the best it can possibly be! Remember to keep the Lord in your day and in your spending decisions. Nothing is worth going broke or stressing over. Be kind and a light in the dark and remember to enjoy yourself! If you are not having fun, it is not worth it.

20 Black Friday Shopping Tips

Happy Shopping!

Do you have any Black Friday Shopping Tips to share that are not listed above? Please share any comments below…

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Shannon on July 27, 2014 at 10:14 pm

    These are all great tips for Black Friday. Thank you for sharing.

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