The Importance of Unity Among Military Wives

One day, I attended a class for spouses and the instructor told us a story. Her story involved a friend of hers who became the victim of bullying among other military spouses. Her friend became isolated from the military community, and kept a distance for fear of judgement and ridicule once again. Later, her world came spiraling downward as she learned the news that her husband was severely injured. She felt like she couldn’t reach out to anyone, although she had so many questions. She wondered, “When will they send him home? What will happen to his deployment benefits? What will happen to his military career? What if we need support financially?” There were many questions that flooded her mind as her husband was across the world and in critical condition.

Although their situation could have taken a turn for the worst, this wife did not have the resources through other military spouses because of her terrible experience months before. Sometimes it’s easy to isolate yourself, to succumb to a bleak routine while our husbands are deployed. This is why it’s so important to have unity among us.

Had this woman not been afraid, she would have found answers and found guidance and support amid this stressful time.

As military wives, we must support each other. We much encourage Christian fellowship, and we must be there for each other in times of need. Our husbands are gone for months at a time, quite often with poor communication the entire time. We must be able to rely on one another.

We share something that no other wives share: The military experience at home. When something breaks, when we have financial questions, when we need guidance of any form, we must feel comfortable with one another to ask these questions and share our experiences.

This lifestyle we all relate to, must incorporate the support of one another. Our biggest supporter is Jesus Christ. I truly believe that He provides support through each other as well.

The unity among wives is crucial to success at home while our husbands are away. Bullying, judging, and ridiculing one another will only cause division. Division is a favorite of satan, not God.

Before becoming a military wife, I assumed that there was a profound camaraderie among the military community. Sadly, satan has had much influence. I quickly learned that in a lifestyle far different than most, unity should play the biggest role.

Unity is up to us.

Wives and spouses of the military community should embrace unification and support, encourage, and love one another. We must stop petty arguments, name-calling, and other abuse which is the will of satan; and adopt God’s love in how we treat one another.

Copyright © Rachel Criner, Moms of Faith®, All Rights Reserved

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